Guiding principles for TWUSA and One TWU in maintaining a strong relationship and ensuring the equal treatment of gender and sexual minority students enrolled at TWU.

While One TWU recognizes the autonomy of ratified student clubs, when TWUSA organizes events that directly concern LGBTQ+ students, they will seek to partner with One TWU in carrying these out.
One TWU will be transparent with TWUSA regarding on-campus events and campaigns, so long as the confidentiality deemed necessary by the leadership team of One TWU is respected and adhered to.
TWUSA will not support, encourage or proliferate factually untrue ideas such as “homosexuality or non-cisgender identities are a result of mental illness or are reversible.”
TWUSA will respect the right of individual students to disagree, but will encourage all students to respect every student’s identity, including using each student’s chosen name and pronouns.
TWUSA and One TWU will be in open conversation and active partnership in seeking to make TWU’s campus more accessible to gender and sexual minority students.
One TWU will work to provide resources for TWUSA, and the wider student population, such as sensitivity training. While One TWU wishes to provide resources, its primary focus will be supporting LGBTQ+ students and not educating the campus.
TWUSA will strive to honour and respect sexual minorities in all social media posts and online presence, being sensitive to the differences in background and personhood within our student body. Likewise, One TWU will be attentive to the variety of experiences in their social media presence.
TWUSA and One TWU condemn hate speech. One TWU and TWUSA commit to re-evaluating current procedures regarding homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and racism, and hate speech of all varieties, to establish a mechanism for this to be addressed and accounted for.
TWUSA commits to acting as a mediator, when asked by One TWU, in fostering meetings and strengthening relationships between One TWU and various parts of the University in addressing concerns and seeking solutions for contentious policy issues.
TWUSA agrees to authorize the use of the TWUSA office space for One TWU events. In no way is One TWU required to use the TWUSA office space; it simply remains an option should they want it. While this should not be interpreted as an alignment with all ideas or views expressed at such events, TWUSA believes that the diversity of ideas is a cornerstone to the campus community.
If not signed within 30 days after classes commence in the Fall Semester, this contract will expire.​
If the contract expires, it can still be re-signed, but only until the adjournment of the current academic year.​
If, during the period for which the Charter has been signed, either party feels that the other party has violated the aforementioned terms, a member of the Executive of One TWU and a member of the Executive of TWUSA will meet in an attempt to resolve the issue. If, after 30 days, either party still does not feel the issue has been resolved, they will enter a mediatory period: two members of the Executive of One TWU and two members of Executive of TWUSA will meet with a nominated TWU faculty representative from One TWU and a nominated TWU faculty representative from TWUSA. If the issue still remains unresolved, the upset party will have the option of signing an escape clause rendering the charter null for the remainder of the academic year. In this period, either party can attempt to re-establish the Charter, but, referring to Clause 2, it can only be reinstalled for the remainder of the academic year. No TWUSA Council may sign the Charter on behalf of their successors.
As TWUSA does not have an official faculty representative, it is expected that TWUSA will nominate a member of faculty who they believe is sympathetic to the dialogue and dispute which requires mediation.​​
If both TWUSA and One TWU feel the Charter needs to be revised, representatives of each group can pass a revision as long as a) both representatives of One TWU and TWUSA agree to the revision, and b) the revised Charter is signed by both representatives and installed for the remainder of the academic year.
TWUSA and ONE TWU have the option, at the beginning of the academic year, of signing the original or revised copies of the Charter from the previous years, as long as both parties agree to which edition of the Charter they are signing.
TWUSA and One TWU reserve the right to make revisions at the beginning of the academic year as long as both parties agree. One TWU and TWUSA must make clear their revisions when passing the Charter on to future Executives of One TWU and TWUSA.
The Charter was signed by Cassie Thorpe, representative of One TWU, and Jared Barkman, TWUSA president, on 9 April 2018.